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All Parishes
St. Mary's Cathedral St. Anthony's Catholic Church St. Augustine's Catholic Church St. Edward's Catholic Church Church of Epiphany St. Francis Assisi's Catholic Church St. Gabriel's Catholic Church St. James' Catholic Church St. John's Catholic Church (Cantonment) St. John's Catholic Church (Bo sun pet street) St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Hantharwaddy) St. Jude's Catholic Church St. Lazarus' Catholic Church Our Lady of Fatima Church (Sanchaung) Our Lady of Fatima Church (Thonekwa) St. Theresa's Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier's Catholic Church (Thanlyin) St. Gemma Galgani's Catholic Church (Shwe-Pyi-Thar) Infant Jesus of Prague Catholic Church (Hlaing-Thar-Yar) Holy Innocents' Catholic Church St. Michael, The Archangel's Catholic Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Kyauktan) St. Sebastian's Catholic Church ( Wayon Seik ) Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph's Catholic Church ( Thingangyun ) St. Rita's Catholic Church St. Mary's Catholic Church (Thon-Kyaing) St. Andrew's Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church (Twantay) Holy Family Catholic Church St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Nyaung-gone) Our Lady of Lourdes' Catholic Church (Kyaiklatt) Saw Nay Naing Memorial Mary Mother of God Catholic Church (letkyarkyi) Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church (Pantanaw) St. Theresa's Catholic Church (Pyapon) St. Sebastian's Catholic Church St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Bago Parish) St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Thonze) St. Mark's Catholic Church (Yemon) St. Michael's Catholic Church (Gyobingauk) St. Francis Xavier's Catholic Church (Kyauk Phyu) Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Hmawbi) Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (Nyaunglebin) Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Pha-do) Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Payathonsu) St. Luke's Catholic Church Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (Magyigwin) St. John de Britto's Catholic Church
St. Theresa's Catholic Church
(yangon Zone)
Address:97, Min ye Kyaw Swa Road Ahione P.O. Yangon
Telephone:+95 (0)1 2302023
Sunday Mass:



4:00p.m.(Chineses) Last Sunday

Daily Mass:

6:30a.m.(Myanmar & English)

Priest in charges: Rev. Fr. Solomon Hla Aung (assistant pastor)
Msgr. Saw Francis (pastor)
Additional Informations and Services

St. Theresa’s Catholic Church


In December 1901, Fr. Germain Allard came to Rangoon and was entrusted with the mission for Chinese people and especially the Chinese Catholics. To learn Chinese language, Fr. Allard went to Singapore. After 2 years of learning the language, he came back to Yangon and resided at St. John’s Church. In 1915 the present St. Theresa Church land was bought with a house inside and it was used both for school and worship.

With the support of Bishop Perroy, the present church was built and dedicated on 20 November 1925. To honor St. Theresa of the Child Jesus who was canonized in 1925, the name of the church was given as St. Theresa’s church. In 2002 the Diamond Jubilee of the Church was solemnly celebrated under the leadership of Fr. Benedict Tun Maung, the parish priest at that time.

Ss. Peter & Paul’s Bible Training School

St. Peter & Paul’s Bible Training School was started in Thone-ze town in the year 1966 by Archbishop Gabriel Thohey Mahn Gaby. It was transferred to Insein town, a suburb town of Yangon since 1974. It has been run by appointed priests, religious men & women and catechists. Within 37 years it has brought forth more than 1700 Catechists and Home-missioners.

Many young men and women came from district and remote areas. But they are very eager and generous to serve in the church and especially to their brothers and sisters in the villages. Every year around 50 young candidates are trained. After the course, they are sent to their own parishes and other needed places to teach catechism to children, to help sick people where doctors cannot reach, to lead people in prayer services and to help parish priests in the administration and apostolic works. Many places where priests cannot reach benefit much. The people have also witnessed their tremendous service given to the Church and to God’s people in the past.


Until 2004 it is one year course, but starting from 2005 it is made 2 years course. During this 2 years course, spiritual, intellectual, social and human formations are given to these young people.

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