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All Parishes
St. Mary's Cathedral St. Anthony's Catholic Church St. Augustine's Catholic Church St. Edward's Catholic Church Church of Epiphany St. Francis Assisi's Catholic Church St. Gabriel's Catholic Church St. James' Catholic Church St. John's Catholic Church (Cantonment) St. John's Catholic Church (Bo sun pet street) St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Hantharwaddy) St. Jude's Catholic Church St. Lazarus' Catholic Church Our Lady of Fatima Church (Sanchaung) Our Lady of Fatima Church (Thonekwa) St. Theresa's Catholic Church St. Francis Xavier's Catholic Church (Thanlyin) St. Gemma Galgani's Catholic Church (Shwe-Pyi-Thar) Infant Jesus of Prague Catholic Church (Hlaing-Thar-Yar) Holy Innocents' Catholic Church St. Michael, The Archangel's Catholic Church Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Kyauktan) St. Sebastian's Catholic Church ( Wayon Seik ) Ss. Peter and Paul Catholic Church St. Joseph's Catholic Church ( Thingangyun ) St. Rita's Catholic Church St. Mary's Catholic Church (Thon-Kyaing) St. Andrew's Catholic Church Assumption Catholic Church (Twantay) Holy Family Catholic Church St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Nyaung-gone) Our Lady of Lourdes' Catholic Church (Kyaiklatt) Saw Nay Naing Memorial Mary Mother of God Catholic Church (letkyarkyi) Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church (Pantanaw) St. Theresa's Catholic Church (Pyapon) St. Sebastian's Catholic Church St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Bago Parish) St. Joseph's Catholic Church (Thonze) St. Mark's Catholic Church (Yemon) St. Michael's Catholic Church (Gyobingauk) St. Francis Xavier's Catholic Church (Kyauk Phyu) Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Hmawbi) Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (Nyaunglebin) Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Pha-do) Sacred Heart Catholic Church (Payathonsu) St. Luke's Catholic Church Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (Magyigwin) St. John de Britto's Catholic Church
Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church (Magyigwin)
(bago Zone)
Address:Magyigwin Village Thayarwaddy Township, Bago Division
Telephone:+95 (0)9 420038730
Sunday Mass:
Daily Mass:
Priest in charges: Rev. Fr. Thomas Moe Naing, MSP (pastor)
Rev. Fr. celestine Sa Tiwu, MSP (assistant pastor)
Additional Informations and Services

Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church


This village is situated about 73 miles north of Yangon and it is on the Yangon-Pyay Highway. There are 363 houses with 1877 people – Buddhists, Baptists, and Catholics. Out of 363 houses, 65 are Catholics, 50 are Baptists and the rest are Buddhists. One Buddhist monastery, one Baptist church, and one Catholic Church color beautifully this village. The Good Shepherd Sisters are also working here together with us. The speciality of the Catholics here is that they are the descendants of the Portugese, who came to Myanmar in nineteen century.

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